Many aspects of organisations are predictable, measurable and certain - numbers, budgets, sales figures, statistics etc... These are the so called 'hard' features of an organisation. Leaders like them for their clarity.
But what drives all those numbers, good or bad? What drives the success or failure of a new initiative, or a fresh strategic direction that makes for an organisation's success? It is culture.
What is termed the 'soft' part of an organisation is the hardest to understand and the most impossible to control. Yet that 'soft' part of a team, a department, or a whole business can be either a wrecking ball, or the route to higher gains.
Sursum Solutions brings clarity to the understanding, measurement and management of culture.
After the rigours of PhD research and a firm focus on culture for 18 years at the top of two £25M+ organisations, Founder, Dr John Newton, contends that harnessing this misunderstood but powerful part of organisational life is the key to triumphing over tough circumstances, finding successful solutions to seemingly intractable problems, and building sustainable value.
Over time, not only do unhealthy cultures foster lacklustre performance, but they can be your undoing. Daily headlines attest, culture can bring corporate giants to their knees.
Here are 4 reasons why...:
Sursum Solutions offers research, insights and recommendations into how an organisation's culture can support the specific challenges and opportunities a company faces.
These may include: